Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Moving is my Least Favorite Activity

人生有时候会遇到很多种问题:学习上,健康上,家人,etc.所以,我觉得我很缺乏真正的心安感觉。我只想平平安安地过日子。Working on it.

今天晚上搬完家了。搬家非常不好玩。现在我跟以前不一样啦。我觉得越多东西就越烦恼。我知道我有很多没有用的东西。I only use about 10% of all the stuff I own. AHHHHH all of the rest of it is just sitting there and being wasted!!! =.= That’s why I never buy stuff now unless I really need it….since I probly wont ever use it and it’ll just sit there, be wasted (money wasted too), and then just be a huge hassle to move when the time comes.

今天是我这世第一次入IKEA!! xP

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Friday, May 27, 2011

If Only I Had Some Free Plane Tickets in Hand

I want to go to the Pokemon Center in New York City someday!

Speaking of Pokemon, I find this hilarious:

And take a vacation to visit Hong Kong again D= really wish I was able to be on vacation there like.......now