Thursday, December 31, 2009

Davis, Thoughts, Cal

So I got back tonight from Davis.

Aubry and I stayed at Ana's house, where she kindly housed and fed us for two days :D. Things I did:

Quelf, which is the MOST AWESOME board game.

Watched Runaway Bride, which was really boring. I think I finally moved passed the phase of enjoying cheesy chick flicks. (Unless there's some interesting twist in the plot or is hilarious to watch)

Movie hopped: saw Sherlock Holmes and Up in the Air. I really really liked Up in the Air and thought Sherlock Holmes was okay. This gave me more of a reminder that I usually don't enjoy movies as much if they are unrealistic or completely fictional.

Had three hour conversations from midnight to past three AM (which is sadly now considered normal for me to be up until)

Had a scavenger hunt in downtown Davis. Highlights include taking pictures (with two people+ and the object) of:

-a half eaten sandwich (walked into Beach House Deli: "Excuse me, we're on a scavenger hunt, can we take a picture with you and your half eaten sandwich")

- a pile of dog poop (Liz: screams "OMG IT'S A PILE OF DOG POOP!!" as we walk past it)

- a private college sweatshirt (we walk past Davis Sushi and see a few people we know through the window so we wave to them. Five steps later: "Wait, Angela was wearing a stanford sweatshirt!!" So we run back over and take a picture with her through the window)

-a pillow (we walk into a store that sells stuff for babies.

"Excuse me, do you have any pillows"

"What kind of pillow?"

"Any kind would work"

"You know, babies don't usually use pillows"

"We're on a scavenger hunt"

"Oh! We wouldn't want to ruin that, would this work?"

-Storeowner holds up a weird circular cushion thing-


-multiple pictures with a "really hot guy" (too lazy to type out the story)

Played Sardines in Target

Also, something freaky happened three nights ago. Our bathroom has two doors, one leads to the hallway and the other leads to my bedroom. That night I came out of the door that leads to our bedroom, and right at that moment, I heard the other door to our bedroom (that leads to the hallway) SLAM really hard. Both my mom and my dad were asleep. Yeah, I like to tell myself I imagined it, but I probably didn't because my dad said he heard a door slam too...... I don't know how I'm going to survive living at Berkeley in an apartment for the rest of my four years at Cal.

One of my biggest new year's resolutions is to spend more time looking into the numerous numerous things I could be doing at Cal. The first semester flew by ridiculously fast and I ask myself, what did I take part in? Did I invest time into participating in things that I loved? Did I act with friendliness and openness to the new people I met as much as I could have? Did I manage my time well (AKA NOT spend way too much time worrying, balance work vs. play)? All I can say is, I could use a lot of improvement.

Maybe going to a big university like Cal is actually not as easy as going to a smaller college. Since Cal is so big, it's hard to find the right guidance, hard to zoom in or even find the kinds of activities that would really fit what I want to do, and harder to find a place where I can say I belong to without hesitation. Cal is awesome because it has SO MUCH to offer, so much that it's overwhelming to know where to start. It's going to take effort on my part to actively seek out the resources I need. I'm going to try to start Spring 2010 with a better attitude and hopefully make more out of my short four years in college.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. seems like uve had some rly fun couple of days =D

    that scavenger hunt was rly lol! we shud make our own back at berkeley =D i just love questing for things jaja

    i still want to know about pics with the rly hot guy XD

    omg! there's a creeper in ur house!!! O=

    i wanna find my niche in college too... i found my high school one after a lot of wasted time doing nothing ;_;

    btw, i posted! =D
