Saturday, December 26, 2009

I'm on a Freaking Banana Diet

Save me from the bananas. I've eaten about two bananas every day for the past three days. Why? Because my dad decided that he would only eat apples since my mom bought a huge sack of them from Costco. And we all know how much I don't like seeing food going to waste -____- Yeah, one of the many strange things about him that will never change.

Yesterday was Christmas. Like every Christmas, we didn't do anything. Which is fine, because honestly, I think Christmas is like any other day. But I really would like it if I were part of one of those families that at least gets together with a few relatives or family friends, not just on Christmas, but in general. It's that warm feeling you get when being with people who love you that really makes me happy. And sadly, I'll never get that in terms of extended family.

I've been home for a week. What really sucks is that I'm in Sacramento, and all my friends are in Davis, and the fact that my mother is either working or being busy at home with lots of random chores, and my dad is... my dad. That along with how we don't have a lot of money to drive everywhere basically means I feel I have no right to ask for a ride. Being at home in Sac is different. In Davis, I could bike everywhere without having to ask my mom for a ride and putting more stuff on her busy agenda. In Berkeley, I can walk everywhere or take the shuttle for free. Being able to rely on oneself is important and feels great.

Since not driving basically means being crippled in Sacramento, here's a few things I've done this break:
*I caught up on all 13 episodes of Glee.
*I really liked some of the music on Glee so I decided to download off of Frostwire.
*I've been reading nonfiction books. I decided that from now on I will read more nonfiction instead of fiction.
*I can pretty much cook dinner now. YES!!!! As in a real meal: make rice, steam meat, fry vegetables. Yay I won't be screwed over when I move out into an apartment.
*I made a lot of lists to organize myself. Since by nature I'm kind of a spaz/think way too much I tend to think of a bunch of random things throughout the day and scribble them on a piece of paper. Then I end up with way too many tasks on too many pieces of paper that I go crazy!!

One new years resolution: BE MORE ORGANIZED.

So yes, break in a nutshell has been spent by myself -_- I look forward to Tuesday, because I'll actually be able to see some high school friends!!! And to the day that the Hailes come visit. I really need the ability to teleport.


  1. yammy, homegirl, i feel you!!! in multiple ways! XD

    i usually don't see much of my extended family either... especially my favorite aunts and cousins that live in Mexico... but we might visit them next summer

    amen! food should not be wasted! but eww on bananas jaja

    ive also had the transportation issue for the longest time! the simplest solution would be me getting my license, but we're not doing so hot financially =/ the thing is though, my parents wont let me go places on my bike... they just think im gonna get into an accident or something... wtf im not a little kid anymore

    u do seem to have been productive with ur break so far... specially with Glee! =D

    jaja, hope u enjoy the rest of the break... im bummed that a whole week has gone by already ;_;

  2. hehe sweet i noticed we have pretty similar situations/Glee likings. except unlike you i don't have a big family. it's just me and my parents ....... and one is always busy while the other is always absent (mentally).
    and my family is not so hot financially either, especially in the past few months. i have this really cool book on finances that i recommend to you :D ( i just read it this week) was sooooooo interesting and kind of inspiring.

    the sad thing is that i actually have a license, which doesn't help if i don't have money for a car or insurance. mmmmm now you reminded me, i have my bike sitting next to me here in sacramento but i personaly think it's not safe to bike in sacramento (big city), plus.....NOBODY'S WITHIN BIKING RANGE FROM ME!! T_T
